Mini DAYZ: Zombie Survival hack app info Vast offline pixel game from proxy on-line for ipad apple [iphone]
Version - 1.2.0
Iphone Apple
3,7 / 5
language - English
Genre - Action
I love this game. I can never get enough, though it drains my entire battery in 45 minutes. I don’t have anything negative to say and positivity would sound generic and bot-like, so I’ve come up with a wishlist. 1) MULTIPLAYER- I feel the ability to be running around and just finding and teaming up with another player would be awesome, especially for those harder difficulties like veteran. There could be a little chat option where the player can type to team up or just… chat. 2)SPECIFIC ISLAND GUIDES- When I start a game, I usually go around looting every town on the first island to get the best gear before I hit up island 2, which usually leaves me with 0 exploration or knowledge of island 2, and I end up dying because of walking into something I shouldn’t have. I think it’d be great to have island specific guides that could tell you basically what the different symbols mean, what new zombie types you’ll be facing, and so on. I just think that this would help people who are newer to the game or just don’t have much experience outside island 1 to get a better hold of the game and allow for better decision making
publish date - 2017-07-03
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